John F. Kennedy High School

    Overall: 2.8

    Parking: 5.0

    Access: 4.0

    Bathrooms: 2.0

    Tables: 0.0

    Mobility: 3.0

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    There is adequate handicap parking near the baseball diamond. The walkways are paved and the areas leading up to the diamonds are all grass. During the summer when schools are closed, Porta Johns are available only and are very small. There is no concession stand available.

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    John F. Kennedy High School

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    These 5 categories help us average ratings for locations. Please see the information below on what each rating number means to us.

    • 0: Not applicable
    • 1: Failed - Completely inaccessible
    • 2: Poor - Limited accessibility
    • 3: Okay - Acceptable but 1 or 2 minor issues
    • 4: Good - All criteria Acceptable
    • 5: Great - Truly exceptional in every way