State Street Diner

    Overall: 4.0

    Parking: 5.0

    Access: 3.0

    Bathrooms: 5.0

    Tables: 3.0

    Mobility: 4.0

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    There are several parking spaces near the entry door. The entry doors are manual and open outward. The entire diner contains which generally seat four people. The aisles are not very wide, but could accommodate a wheelchair at the end of a booth. The bathroom entry door opens inward and the handicap stall door opens outward. There is room to maneuver a wheelchair within the stall.

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    State Street Diner

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    These 5 categories help us average ratings for locations. Please see the information below on what each rating number means to us.

    • 0: Not applicable
    • 1: Failed - Completely inaccessible
    • 2: Poor - Limited accessibility
    • 3: Okay - Acceptable but 1 or 2 minor issues
    • 4: Good - All criteria Acceptable
    • 5: Great - Truly exceptional in every way