Meijer Gas Station

    Overall: 3.0

    Parking: 3.0

    Access: 3.0

    Bathrooms: 3.0

    Tables: 3.0

    Mobility: 3.0

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    Store employees will assist with pumping gas if needed. If going inside, the bathroom is very large for any type of chair. One handicapped parking spot (but there are many regular parking spots overall), manual doors to enter convenience store, aisleways are large to get around inside, bathroom is really big, sink is accessible, hand dryer and towel dispenser are a good height for accessibility only issue found was the hand drier was broken and dispenser out of paper. Bathroom door swings outward for easy unassisted exiting.

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    Meijer Gas Station

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    These 5 categories help us average ratings for locations. Please see the information below on what each rating number means to us.

    • 0: Not applicable
    • 1: Failed - Completely inaccessible
    • 2: Poor - Limited accessibility
    • 3: Okay - Acceptable but 1 or 2 minor issues
    • 4: Good - All criteria Acceptable
    • 5: Great - Truly exceptional in every way